Make Schools Safe

To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

WHEREAS, our children’s learning is being interrupted daily.

WHEREAS, classroom evacuations have become just part of a normal school day for our kids, along with educational assistants dressed head-to-toe in protective gear.

WHEREAS, our kids are bearing the brunt of Doug Ford’s cuts to education, from larger class size to fewer EAs and support staff, to the lack of mental health professionals, and the reduction of supports for students with special needs.

Will you sign?

 WE, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to create an Emergency School Safety Plan in consultation with workers that includes:

  • Funding to hire additional qualified staff, including mental health professionals, education assistants, child and youth workers, and other education workers.
  • Funding for comprehensive training for all workers and supervisors.
  • A sector-specific regulation for education under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • A permanent, tri-partite Provincial Health and Safety Working Group to review and adapt current policies regarding workplace violence in the education sector.
  • A single, province-wide online reporting system for violent incidents and data collection to understand the full scope of the problem.