Whereas, the Conservatives' their ‘business case’ that shows the one-time cost of relocating the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place would be twice the cost of completing the necessary repairs at the current site.
Whereas, moving the Science Centre will take a vital public institution away from Flemingdon Park and Thorncliffe Park simply to justify Ford's vanity mega-spa project.
Whereas, communities have not been consulted about Ford's half-baked scheme.
Wheras, the business case assumed that the new, half-sized Science Centre would be built on top of a new, publicly funded parking structure located next to the proposed Therme spa. The costs of the parking structure (which has been estimated at over $500 million) were excluded from the business case.
Whereas, the Conservatives’ ‘business case’ has been called “all spin,” “bunk,” “torqued and twisted to serve the government’s desired result,” and has been identified as having “clear problems with the province’s math."