Fixing Education and Schools

Putting Our Kids First

Schools are the heart of our communities. Children and youth have suffered enormous losses during the pandemic. 

Years of Liberal and Conservative funding freezes and cuts have left our schools overcrowded, understaffed, and in urgent need of repairs, with a multi-billion-dollar repair backlog. Ford slashed $800 million from classrooms and refused to spend money to keep schools safe during COVID. The Ontario NDP has a detailed and doable plan to fix what the Liberals and Conservatives broke and invest to ensure Ontario’s world-class public education system thrives. We’ll ensure every student in the province gets the support, education and opportunities they need to succeed. 

Together, Kristyn and the NDP will:

  • Reverse Ford's cuts to education and invest in students to help them get back on their feet academically, emotionally, and psychologically
  • Hire 20,000 Teachers and Education Workers and invest in in-school remedial learning programs 
  • Cap classes for Grades 4 through 8 at 24 and reducing high school class sizes to ensure students at every age get the direct support and attention they deserve
  • Immediately address the backlog, with a plan to clear it within 10 years
  • Hire more mental health workers and child and youth workers 
  • Work with Indigenous leaders and educators to ensure that Ontario’s school curricula appropriately reflects Indigenous experiences and histories. 

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Campaign Office: 655 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON M5A 0P4