I want to know what you think about Ford's proposed changes to long term care!
Ontario's New Democrats believe that respecting the consent of people in long-term care is non-negotiable.
The three parts that worry me are:
1 — REMOVING CONSENT. Contrary to Long Term Care Minister Paul Calandra’s claims, the legislation will allow people waiting in hospitals to be moved to far away long-term care homes without their consent. The bill reads: “This new provision authorizes certain actions to be carried out without the consent of these patients.”
2 — EVERYTHING BUT PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS. The bill reads: “The section does not authorize the use of restraints in order to carry out the actions or the physical transfer of It would allow hospitals to fine people who refuse to move into a long term care home that is not of their choosing." This means that hospitals might fine people to coerce them to move.
3 — NO LIMITS ON HOW FAR AWAY SENIORS WILL BE SENT. The legislation includes no restriction on how far away they can send someone — leaving geographic restrictions to regulations.
I will be debating this Bill in the house and want to know what my constituents think and what experiences they have had about long term care. Please let me know how this could affect you below.